An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck surgery, is a procedure meant to remove excess fat, skin, and tissue from the stomach, restoring a more pleasing and slender body contour. It is one of the most popular procedures today to combat weight changes, hormonal disorders, or recovery after pregnancy.
As you age, the abdominal area undergoes several changes, especially among mothers post-childbirth. The resulting stubborn fat and skin cannot be restored through diet and exercise; the only sustainable solution is surgical intervention through abdominoplasty. An abdominoplasty won’t just remove the excess skin and fat but will further tighten the underlying abdominal wall to give you a more defined waistline.
Dr. Carlos Camacho’s clinic is the leading provider of plastic and reconstructive surgery in Bogota and is well-known for its state-of-the-art facilities and accredited practitioners. He is simply the best tummy tuck surgeon in Colombia. Schedule your consultation appointment with us today, and we will craft a personalized treatment plan for you that is fully patient-centric!
An abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck Colombia, is a surgical body contouring procedure that eliminates excess skin and fat from the patient’s abdomen. The procedure will flatten the abdomen by removing excess skin while also tightening the abdominal wall muscles.
The Colombia Tummy Tuck Procedure
The abdominoplasty procedure is performed on an outpatient basis; however, certain circumstances may demand that you stay overnight. The procedure begins after the administration of general anesthesia. An incision is made below the belly button (above the pubis), and the skin is separated from the abdominal wall and pulled down. The excess skin is removed alongside excess fatty tissue. A new opening is made to reposition and place the belly button. Finally, surgical sutures are added, and the incision site is closed off. A compression bandage is applied to hold the repositioned skin in place.
Visit Dr. Camacho’s clinic at the Dali Medical Center, Bogota. Explore the diverse portfolio of aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries we offer using only the latest medical technologies that aid diagnosis and successful treatments.
The most common patients recommended for an abdominoplasty are women who wish to regain their pre-pregnancy figure. During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles separate from benign stretches and can sometimes remain separated. The excess skin and fat are difficult to eliminate naturally and can form a sagging pouch in your abdomen.
An abdominoplasty Colombia is, therefore, the best approach for dealing with the permanently stretched excess abdominal skin and fat. It will remove the additional fat and give you a slimmer body contour, drastically improving your self-esteem.
Note that we recommend it for those who do not plan future pregnancies, which will negate the effects of your tummy tuck Colombia procedure. Come join us at the Carlos Camacho clinic to better understand what this procedure can do for you.
Before and after abdominoplasty
An abdominoplasty is one of the most popular procedures for those wanting to eliminate the excess fat and skin from their abdomens. Here are the many ways tummy tuck in Colombia can benefit your health and body aesthetics:
Resultados de abdominoplastia
For More Information on Abdominoplasty, Reach Out To Our Team Today!
Tummy tuck in Colombia is best recommended for adults over the age of 18 who are in good health. Individuals who have experienced weight gain and then subsequent weight loss or those who have stubborn loose skin that cannot be corrected through diet and exercise. It is also highly popular among women following pregnancy who wish to correct the diastasis of the abdominal muscles due to overstretching.
It is not recommended for women who have future plans to get pregnant as it will once again weaken and separate your abdominal muscles. An abdominoplasty should not be seen as an alternative to weight loss.
The abdominoplasty procedure can last anywhere from 3 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of skin and tissue to be removed. It is performed after the administration of general anesthesia and may demand overnight hospitalization. You will see almost immediate results following your tummy tuck in Colombia, but it may take up to 3 months to fully recover. The initial recovery period spans around 2 weeks; during this time, you must adhere to the recovery guidelines provided by your surgeon.
You must carefully follow the prescribed postoperative recovery guidelines to get optimized results from your procedure.
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